The school year is rapidly coming to an end for most teachers. Some teachers will work in year-round schools, others will teach summer school or work at summer jobs. Many of you will attend continuing education in the next months. All of us want to find some time to relax and enjoy the summer with our family and friends.
Before you move on with your summer plans, we have a few things for you to think about that will help you finish this school year and get mentally prepared for the next year. Here are five things to do at the end of the school year:
Ask yourself, “What can I do NOW that will make my life easier in the fall?”
Although leaving things to be sorted out in the fall is tempting, you will relax knowing that things are organized and put in their proper places before you leave. Put things back in their boxes, crates and tubs and make sure containers are labeled. Toss anything broken or empty. That ¼ inch of glue in the bottom of that bottle? It is going to be dried up by next fall. Ditto capless glue sticks.
While you are at it, return anything you borrowed. This includes things from home. It is not uncommon to find out in the middle of the summer that you are moving to a new room- or a new school! Teacher’s things are often left to sit in the hallway while rooms are cleaned, which can result in things being misplaced. Take home your breakable lamp or the special desk organizer your grandfather made for you.
Keep your planning book and lesson plan notes.
It might be tempting to toss these, but they are the key to future successful lessons. If you haven’t already done it, take a look back through your lessons and mark them up. Which lessons worked well? Which lessons needed some tweaking? Which lessons took more or less time than you expected? Make a special note of any materials that need to be ordered for units next year and mark them on your calendar.
Gather a few special mementos for your “Positive Notes for Days I Really Need It” folder.
We’ve talked about the special folder we keep to encourage us on tough days. You can read more about it here. If you haven’t already made yourself a folder, this is a good time. As you are clearing out odds and ends, find a few special things to keep. This might be a positive note from a parent, an administrator or a student. Go ahead and print out a couple special pictures too, perhaps a class photo or photos of your favorite projects. These are the things that will remind you that you have a purpose and that your work has value. Trust us, there are days where you will have doubts.
Write Thank-You Notes
We often stop and thank someone verbally, but thank-you notes take gratitude to the next level. Write notes to the custodian for keeping your room clean all year, to the teachers who have mentored you, to the associate, parent or volunteer that helped keep you organized. Consider writing thank you notes to the students as well. A brief note congratulating them on what they learned and what you appreciated about their efforts this year will bring good will and may even become a life long treasure for some of the students.
Reflect on your year.
Reflection is a powerful tool for growth, especially if you do it in writing. Grab your planner and use a few pages to jot down some notes. What did you learn this year? What would you do differently? What are your goals for next year? Think about some books you might read over the summer to set you up for success in the fall.
Perhaps most importantly, consider your successes from the year. It is human nature to beat ourselves up for the things we do that don’t meet our expectations, but often we are too hard on ourselves. Make a list of all the good things you have accomplished this year. No item is too small to include. Remind yourself that you have accomplished wonderful things and made a difference in the lives of your students. Then go and celebrate, you’ve earned it.
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